All About Giraffe

The giraffe (Giraffa) is a genus of African even-toed ungulate mammals, the tallest living terrestrial animals and the largest ruminants. The genus currently consists of one species, Giraffa camelopardalis, the type species. Seven other species are extinct, prehistoric species known from fossils. Taxonomic classifications of one to eight extant giraffe species have been described, based upon research into the mitochondria land nuclear DNA, as well as morphological measurements of Giraffa, but the IUCN currently recognizes only one species with nine subspecies.
The giraffe's chief distinguishing characteristics are its extremely long neck and legs, its horn-like ossicones, and its distinctive coat patterns. It is classified under the family Giraffidae, along with its closest extant relative, the okapi. Its scattered range extends from Chad in the north to South Africa in the south, and from Niger in the west to Somalia in the east. Giraffes usually inhabit savannahs and woodlands. Their food source is leaves, fruits and flowers of woody plants, primarily acacia species, which they browse at heights most other herbivores cannot reach. They may be preyed on by lions, leopards, spotted hyenas and African wild dogs. Giraffes live in herds of related females and their offspring, or bachelor herds of unrelated adult males, but are gregarious and may gather in large aggregations. Males establish social hierarchies through "necking", which are combat bouts where the neck is used as a weapon. Dominant males gain mating access to females, which bear the sole responsibility for raising the young.
The giraffe has intrigued various cultures, both ancient and modern, for its peculiar appearance, and has often been featured in paintings, books, and cartoons. It is classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as Vulnerable to extinction, and has been extirpated from many parts of its former range. Giraffes are still found in numerous national parks and game reserves but estimations as of 2016 indicate that there are approximately 97,500 members of Giraffa in the wild, with around 1,144 in captivity.

Classification of Giraffe
In taxonomy, giraffes are included in Chordata phyla, Mammalian class, Girrafidae family, Artiodactyla order, Giraffa genus, and camelopardal species. The species name is taken from the Latin name, because the Giraffe is considered a camel and camel leopard. The name "giraffe" itself is also borrowed from the name of this animal in Arabic, that is zarafah.

Giraffa camelopardalis

Giraffam camelopardalis

            Life Cycles
Giraffes breed year round and after finding a female to mate with, the male Giraffe will resume his solitary ways. After a gestation period that lasts for 15 months, the female Giraffe gives birth to a single infant (twins are rare) that already stands at two meters tall and has its unique markings. Giraffe calves look the same as adult Giraffes but simply become even bigger and more elongated as the grow and mature. After birth, the female Giraffe will often keep her calf away from the rest of the herd for an average of 15 days and the calf will then be weaned when it is just over a year old. Male Giraffes are able to breed a year later than females, but are sometimes not successful until they are nearly eight years old. Although both male and female young Giraffes will join small groups males tend to become more solitary with age, where females remain together but will often wander between different herds.
A few hours after birth, the giraffe's son can walk. In the early weeks, a giraffe’s son can grow a centimeter per day. The child will keep his mother in that place until he is old enough to take part in another area with his group. In the first year, the children of the giraffe drink breast milk that have a lot of nutrients. A female giraffe can give birth between 6-12 children for the rest of her life.

Giraffes are usually found in savannas, pastures and open woodlands. They prefer Acacia, Commiphora, Combretum and the Forest of Terminalia. Angola giraffe can be found in the desert environment. Giraffes love to be among tree branches, prefer Acacia, Commiphora and Terminalia trees. These trees are an important source of calcium and protein to maintain the growth rate of the giraffe.

1           1. G.c reticulata / Reticulated Giraffe (Somalia Giraffe)
It can be found in northeast Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia. These giraffe spots are light reddish brown surrounded by bright white lines and form a polygon pattern like large mesh.
2           2. G.c angolensis / Smoky Giraffe (Angola Giraffe)
Large and small patches, continuing down the knees. Can be found in Angola and Zambia.
3           3. G.c antiquorum (Kordofan Giraffe)
Small patches, found on the inner legs. This giraffe can be found in western and southwestern Sudan.
4           4. G.c tippelskirchi (Kilimanjaro Giraffe)
Form spots like grape leaves, dark brown with uneven edges, surrounded by yellowish lines. Can be found in central and southern Kenya and Tanzania.
5           5. G.c camelopardalis (Nubia Giraffe)
Spots are almost square, bright brown on a cream-colored base. It can be found in eastern and northeastern Sudanese Congo.

1     1. Giraffes have long necks to reach high leaves and to regulate body temperature.
1     2. The giraffe's heart weighs about 11 kilograms. This is certainly important because it sees the height of the  body of the giraffe. He needs a big, strong heart to pump blood all over his body.
      3. Giraffes only require 30 minutes to sleep a day. Most giraffes sleep by leaning their heads against a tree.  For when he sleeps with his body laid down, it will take time and energy.
4    4. The tongue of the giraffe has a length of approximately 53 cm and is black or dark purple. It serves to protect from the heat of the sun while eating.
       5. The female giraffe gave birth to her child by standing.
       6. An adult giraffe can kill only with his kick.

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